Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New DJ3K Saved Music!

Recently, CP has added some new things to the great game, DJ3K. Here is a walkthrough for how to do it:
(For best ways to earn coins, walk your yellow puffle in your igloo.)
(Steps 1 and 15 I can't show pictures of, because I cannot go on the 'Play Music' screen, and I forgot to take a pic of the whole map.)

1: Go on your newly designed map (Sorry, but my CP quality is kind of low). 

2:If not already on the screen for this option, click 'Games in the corner.

3:Click the DJ3K icon.

4:You will be transported to the Night Club.

5:Go into DJ3K. There will be 3 tabs at the bottom: "Make new Mix", "My Saved Mixes (members only)", and "Instructions".

6:Click 'Make new mix'. Choose a disk.

7:Then click the 'Record' button at the top.

8:Start playing.

9:Once you've done enough, click the same button you clicked to start recording, only now it will stop.

10:A screen should pop up saying to save or cancel. Members can save their mix. (Click the disk to hear what you did.)

11:If you click 'Save', then you will go to another screen to name your disk. I named mine "Funky Mix".

12:Then you will go to your igloo, saying how many coins you earned.

13:Click 'Edit Igloo'.

14:Then click the 'Play Music' at the top.

15:Choose a DJ3K mix to play.

16:Listen and dance!

So, how do YOU like the new DJ3K? Comment below!

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