Saturday, June 11, 2011

CP June Better Igloos Secrets!

Here is a walkthrough for the latest Better Igloo catalog secrets:

  1. Piano: click on the coin symbol indicating the price for the Flashing Flare. 
  2. Guitar Stand: click on the red square in the Single Flare.
  3. Microphone: click on the treble clef on the Music Motif.
  4. Piano Bench: click on the center "hole" of the Radiant Rocker.
  5. Terracotta Vase: click on the center "hole" of the guitar in the Busking Case.
  6. Mexican Vase: click on the coin symbol indicating the price for the Dance Mat.
  7. Terracotta Pot: click on the electric guitar image found on the Dynamic Drums.
  8. Band Stage: click on one of the legs for the Party Platter.
  9. Terracotta Pitcher: click on the lens part of the Laser Lights.
  10. Disco Ball: click on the buttons on the Guitar Amp.
  11. Tropical Palm: click on the light on the furthest right on the Concert Lights.
How do you like this catalog? Comment below if you do!

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