Monday, May 30, 2011

CP Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough to find all the cheats in the Penguin Style Catalog for May:

1.Go to the gift shop.
2.Waddle to the changing room or click the book in the corner.

This is what should pop up:

Untitled7 224x300 « Club Penguin Cheats

If you get:, you've clicked the wrong thing.

4. On the page where you make your own shirt, click the puffle to get the Red Viking Hat.
Untitled8 300x173 « Club Penguin Cheats
5. Then do it four more times, opening and closing, to gain the Blue Viking Helmet.
6.Then, on the 5th page, click the scroll behind the yellow penguin to get the blue dragon feet.
Untitled9 300x182 « Club Penguin Cheats
Those are all the new cheats. Comment below on what you think.

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