Monday, May 30, 2011

Billybob on a 'For Agents Only' Reviewed by you

It's finally a new Reviewed By You on the Whats New blog on CP!

Last week, Billybob asked what our favorite part of the Medieval party was. This was my Lotzki's response:

This is the BEST party of the year! I looove the quests and I like how they are really challenging! The defeating the Hydra quest is an awesome idea because you work together with other penguins to defeat the monster. I also love the decorations! Keep up the awesome work, Club Penguin Team!

Wow! Great review, Lotzki!
Well, if you're not a secret agent, don't read this next part, because it's classified info.

Agents, Billybob wants to hear from you this week. He wants to know what your favorite moment with Herebert is, since he is attacking this month.

In the comments, put your response in with 50 to 75 words. If yours is chosen, it will be shown on the What's New blog, and on here. You will also get TEN THOUSAND coins added to your account!!
I want to know too! Comment below on your response, and I might see it on the W.N. blog!
Waddle on CP!

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