Saturday, August 20, 2011

More updates for Club Penguin!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I wanted to show you.....

New Club Penguin Featured Igloo   Coco28915


If it's blurry, sorry, but I also want to show you.....

.....THIS COOL NEW HOME PAGE!!! It has the Team Red and Team Blue members probably because of the new play. Herbert is there because he's now attacking. (His attack might have something to do with the Lighthouse, but he failed at his attempt to destroy the Ski Lodge, so, who knows?) And, there are a ton of mascots, including G, probably for the new party and Herbert's attack.

Herbert is also attacking the EPF again! Member agents, battle Herbert once and for all and earn the new 'Track Herbert' Stamp!

                            New Club Penguin 2011 System Defender Track Herbert Stamp

Hey! Here's a cool preview: In the pictures to the side, you see that there is three, though the last picture space says 16, though there are 14 at the moment. When there are 2 more stamps, this is what the last picture will be:

Final Club Penguin EPF Image in Stampbook Exclusive

Here is the new start screen for the game:

New Club Penguin System Defender Level

I tried to beat the "Track Herbert" level, but it's even harder than Protobot!

What do you think of these updates? Comment below to let me know!

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