Sunday, July 24, 2011

Island Adventure Party 2011 is Here!!

Hooray! All penguins have been waiting a long time for this party. Here is the Town for the Island Adventure:


Let me help you with the cheats for this party.


Blue Crab Costume:

There is a Blue Crab Costume at the Hidden lake. You can just visit the Forest with your map, and move the rock to enter the Hidden Lake. Click the sign, and buy the body item for 50 coins!

                           Club Penguin Adventure Party 2011 Free Item Cheats

Commander Coat:

To find another free item, put on your crab costume and waddle over to the crab holding the signs. There will be 3 shells which hold 3 different colored gems. They will spin around. The crab will hold up a sign for one of the colors like this:


Get it right three times, and you will earn the Commander Coat!

Miner Helmet:

At the cove, you can find a hard hat to drill on the sand after completing the Cream Soda Scavenger Hunt.


There are 4 new pins, and you have to do the Cream Soda Scavenger hunt to earn it. Click here to find cheats for the hunt (coming soon).

Party Rooms:

There are two exclusive party rooms made for the Island Adventure Party.

The Tree Forts:

Go to the Forest and climb up the ladder to find the Tree Forts.


If you throw snowballs at the plant in the corner, it will grow bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER!!! Then it will burp after maximum size being fed snowballs.

The Battle Ships:

From the Cove or the Beach, you can click on the ship on the bottom to visit...



...the Battle Ships!


When you find leaks, drill on them with a hard hat. The yellow Ship (left) you stand on the panels to shoot. The red one (right) throw snowballs into it to work it.

Those are all the cheats for now. Stay Tuned for the Cream Soda Scavenger Hunt.

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